A Letter From Our CEO

“It's amazing how many drivers, even at the Formula 1 level, think that the brakes are for slowing the car down” - Mario Andretti

Today on my personal blog, I shared an article I wrote that details the crazy, transformational journey I’ve navigated these last few years. In the post, I wrote about how working within the government changed me, and how I’ve come to realize that it is far too easy to criticize AI from afar. It’s taken me a while to get there, but I now see exactly how much harder it is to build. 

I wrote about a pragmatic vision of a beneficial, accelerated AI future, a future I think we can help to bring about. I’ve never been prouder of what we’re building at Vera, but I didn’t say too much about the platform our team’s been working so hard to make real. And so, I’d like to add a few words here on the company blog about how we can make this future real, together. 

Vera’s platform is a critical piece to the Responsible AI puzzle, because it is an industry-and-academia-built “gummy vitamin”, which is a startup phrase that I believe I’ve coined(!). It tastes like candy, but it’s good for you, and you may never want to stop after eating only one. All of the tools and standards in the world may be perfectly aligned with science, but they’ll never be adopted if it’s too expensive, slow, or manual to apply them in a real-world setting.

Vera is a gummy vitamin because our platform offers features that companies actually want to buy. These features can save you money, and grant your team the freedom to move faster with AI than you could on your own. 

The Vera platform doesn’t just enforce custom, compliant policies, it optimizes Generative AI for cost and latency, which are things you’ll need to consider when actually using AI at enterprise scale. If you can set a single policy and apply it to every new model that comes out, then you’re also not tying your future to any one AI strategy in a rapidly changing field. We intentionally paired features that save money and create a seamless user experience with the features that protect privacy and security, too. 

Vera makes it cost effective to safely use the latest and most powerful AI through policy-aware model routing, which prevents vendor lock-in at the same time. 

Whether you’re one of our managed chat clients, or if you use Vera through our fast and secure API, we know that you’ll expect from us the highest levels of customer service. And we know that this service is something that sets our team apart. We’re here to share with you all of the cutting edge research we’ve absorbed from academia and industry, and to help your teams move at light speed because you know the worst AI risks are under control.

We do this work because we’ve seen firsthand how AI can transform our world for the better, and building Vera to be fast, fun, and easy to use is the way we best can help. Our vision is to live in a world that’s brimming with aligned, transparent AI, and it’s a vision grounded in optimism, pragmatism, and hope. 


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